Sunday, February 14, 2010

We are adopted!!!

On Feb. 13, Deyner and Kyvin were officially adopted, after making EVERYONE who met them fall madly in love!! Here they are with their new family and brothers :-))

A very special adoption, indeed :-)))))

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Deyner and Kyvin are a step closer to their new home. Although they aren't shown as "Pending" on the GPA web site, these two brothers have moved to Todd, Kellye, and Kaitlyn Werner's home as "Foster With Intent"!! They seem to be settling in very well, and here are some snow pictures of the boyz from this weekend. Do they look happy or what?!?!

Pictures posted for Todd :-)))

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quiet times

Both Kyvin and Deyner are very social affectionate greyhounds. They love to be around people, and don't mind asking to be petted. Too busy? A gentle "Go away" and they go back to their beds. Of course, who can resist those eyes!!!

Kyvin is the more energetic of the two brothers. He runs in the yard more and enjoys the outside. He races with the house hounds, and loves to watch for squirrels.

Deyner is the quieter of the two. He spends less time outside and loves to nap. I think he's tried out every bed in the house - and there are lots!

My fosters stay in my finished basement when I'm not home, for overnight sleeping, and to eat. When these boys are downstairs, they're as quiet as a mouse. I've never heard them cry. They did finally get into some mischief - nobody's perfect :-) They found a bag of rice cakes and chewed one end!!! Finally... some "bad"!! It was almost a relief to see it, LOL!!

Another really nice thing about these two hounds is they don't mind going out in the rain! That's not always the case with our delicate greyhounds, so their foster mom is very appreciative!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our busy Saturday

What a busy day we had yesterday. First, our human was up early so we couldn't sleep in. She left for a while and came back with the CUTEST little brindle we'd ever seen!

D: Hey, sweet thang, I'm Deyner and you look like you need a big strong boy to show you the ropes. That's a plant.

K: Eva, you've stolen my heart. You have the most beautiful brindle stripes I've ever seen. Let me sniff you.

And then, just when we were sure Eva was falling in love with us, our romance was rudely interrupted. The human said, "It's time to go to M&G!!" Darn. Duty calls.

D, K: Deyner and Kyvin, reporting for M&G duty, ma'am. :::see y'a later, Eva:::

We got the hang of M&G's last week so we knew exactly what to do.





We were very adorable, if we do say so ourselves. We left the M&G, and when we got home, our human snapped a leash on Eva and took her away!! We were devastated. Our hearts were broken. So we took a nap.

K: Sshhh.... I don't think I'm supposed to be on the sofa.

D: This is my California king bed :-)))

Later, the human came home smelling like a whole lot of greyhounds. Fresh greyhounds. Real fresh greyhounds. Dinner was already pretty late, so we didn't tell her that.

And so ended Saturday.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Getting down to the basics... food

D: I always clean my dish. I like breakfast and dinner and treats. I like dry food. I like canned food. And tonight I liked meatballs because we were celebrating someone's birthday here. Wish there was a birthday every day!! I eat in an elevated dish, and am pretty neat and don't spill. They say I'm pudgy so I think I'm on a diet. I think I look pretty sharp :-)

K: I'm not much of a breakfast person... err... greyhound.... Who wants to eat when the day is just starting? But, I LOVE dinner. By then I'm really really hungry. My foster human said something about "not throwing away any more food" so my breakfast is small now. And my dinner is AWESOME! I think I finally have her trained :-))) I love treats anytime, of course. And I'm just a little lean so I get to eat a lot, unlike my pudgy brother :-P

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Deyner's triumph!!

I'll start by saying that Kyvin has always been very good on the stairs. Good boy, Kyvin!

However, Deyner's first experience with the stairs last week was almost his last (and mine). Getting him up was a couple of minutes of coaxing, pushing, turning, blocking and herding. Challenging, but we finally arrived at the top of the stairs. We both needed a rest but otherwise fine :-))

Going down was a near-death experience. His 99 lbs wanted nothing to do with the stairs. Nothing. We were nearly airborne at one point. He was panting, I was glowing, and it was certainly one of the more exciting trips I've ever made down any stairs. In the aftermath I said "Never again - they're staying downstairs!"

Of course, that lasted til the next day :-\ Sucker, indeed. Apparently, Deyner had given the steps some thought overnight, and the 2nd trip was notably easier. By the 3rd trip, he was doing them on his own. What a SMART BRAVE BOY!!!! Here is proof of his courage!

Good boy, Deyner!!

It's a Parti :-)

It's trash day - that means we are under assault (!!!!) and all hounds are on alert!!! Deyner and Kyvin joined Triple, Horseshoe and Sting watching for the enemy. Can you tell who are the tall fosters? The parti patrol saved us and the invaders fled. Safe again for another week...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's official!

K, D: We are going to stay together!! Us brothers won't be separated - yippee yeah!!!

D: I'm so excited I think I'll chew a centipede!

K: You can have the centipede - I'll take the wooly worm. Maybe it won't snow any more if I eat him.