Thursday, January 21, 2010

Deyner's triumph!!

I'll start by saying that Kyvin has always been very good on the stairs. Good boy, Kyvin!

However, Deyner's first experience with the stairs last week was almost his last (and mine). Getting him up was a couple of minutes of coaxing, pushing, turning, blocking and herding. Challenging, but we finally arrived at the top of the stairs. We both needed a rest but otherwise fine :-))

Going down was a near-death experience. His 99 lbs wanted nothing to do with the stairs. Nothing. We were nearly airborne at one point. He was panting, I was glowing, and it was certainly one of the more exciting trips I've ever made down any stairs. In the aftermath I said "Never again - they're staying downstairs!"

Of course, that lasted til the next day :-\ Sucker, indeed. Apparently, Deyner had given the steps some thought overnight, and the 2nd trip was notably easier. By the 3rd trip, he was doing them on his own. What a SMART BRAVE BOY!!!! Here is proof of his courage!

Good boy, Deyner!!


  1. Look at that booty heading down the stairs. What a brave, smart boy he is.

  2. Good Good Boy Deyner!
    I am very proud of you.

    PS--Carol their blog is awesome!
